Alive and in India

Well we had a nice flight to Delhi but it’s a hardship being upgraded to first class, we got over it now!
The first disaster of our trip struck. The man (everyone in India has a man for something) who was supposed to meet us at the airport was not there. I called the hotel and to cut a long story short, we took a taxi throught the streets of Delhi at 2am.
This taxi ride was quite the experience, the vehicle itself defies description, I have never seen anything like it outside India. It had seatbelts, but nowhere to fasten them too. I want to say we hurtled through the mostly empty streets, but I think the top speed, with engine roaring was only about 30mph. It was still fast enough to achieve flight at every speed bump. At one point I complained to Sarah that the windows were so dirty that I couldn’t see anything, unfortunately my window was open, there is a bit of a smog problem!
Upon nearing our hotel we encountered a cow problem, 10-12 of them settled down for the night. Cows have mainly been removed from Delhi, except in the area we chose to stay, they are unfazed by anything, so the taxi had to go out of his way to get around.
We got to the hotel, not only was it filthy, it had no bed linen, towels or toilet paper. The shower could only be used if you were actually on the toilet and didn’t mind passing the stream of water through the exposed wires of the water heater. We slept, and checked out. We are now in a much nicer hotel in another part of town.
Not really done much yet as everywhere is so crowded, and nothing is made easy. We are however, having a good time.

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  • OMG, I don’t rattle easily, but that would do it for me. I think I’d rather be just about anywhere, (including being chained to the B&N bathroom during a particularly busy day) than deal with any of that. And the fact that you were able to fall asleep there is, uh, well, it’s odd. But I’m glad that you are having a good time. Watch out for that cow poo, Sarah:).

  • your post is hilarious to read ..- hotel –well the cows done better….share the pictures..

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